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Today: Jul 26, 2024

The Urgency of Passing Legislation to Support Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan

1 min read

I wanted to express my thoughts on the pressing necessity for Congress to pass legislation that offers support to Ukraine and Israel. Recently, I penned an article for the Wall Street Journal highlighting the significance of backing our allies during these demanding times.

In my piece, I made it evident that our aid would not simply entail providing funds to these nations. Instead, I put forth a strategic approach that entails utilizing military equipment from our own reserves and replenishing those reserves by purchasing from American suppliers. This approach not only bolsters our own defense but also stimulates our domestic manufacturing sector and generates employment opportunities nationwide.

I strongly believe that by assisting our allies, we are also benefiting ourselves. It is crucial that we invest in the defense capabilities of Ukraine and Israel, while also delivering much-needed humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in Gaza.

Shortly after my article was published, House Speaker Mike Johnson introduced his foreign assistance proposal, which includes separate bills for aid to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. Some of the support would be provided in the form of a loan and come with stipulations for military strategy and oversight.

While there is an urgent requirement to provide aid to Israel in response to the recent drone attack by Iran, it is vital to approach this matter comprehensively and ensure that our assistance is effective and aligned with our national security interests.
Certain committed Republicans have vowed to impede the package, with two even publicly endorsing the ousting of Johnson from his position as speaker due to increasing frustration over his efforts to promote legislation for foreign aid.

In his viewpoint article, Biden depicted the package as a contemporary investment that would prevent American troops from directly engaging in future conflicts.

″If Russia succeeds, Putin’s forces will come closer than ever to our North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies. The principle of ‘an attack on one is an attack on all’ means that if Putin invades a NATO ally, we will come to their aid, just as our NATO allies did for us after the September 11 attacks. We must provide robust support to Ukraine now to prevent Putin from encroaching on our NATO allies and to ensure that he doesn’t entangle U.S. troops in a future war in Europe,″ Biden expressed.

Biden also stressed that the plan should not be held captive by a faction of conservative Republicans.

″There are moments in history that necessitate leadership and bravery,″ he penned. ″This is one of those moments.

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